My favorite books

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

From Here to There (sequencing of locations by size)

Lesson 1

 Students will analyze story elements and make comparisons after listening to the story,

 (Guided Practice-whole group activity)
ü  Big Book “From Here to There”
ü  World Map

ü  Introduce the big book, From Here to There.
   & talk about story elements (title, author, and illustrator/characters/setting)
(Independent Practice–pair work)
ü  Worksheet- outline map of the United States of America

ü  Have students find where Maria lives on the map.
ü  Give  students an outline map of the United States of America
ü  Help students find and label Texas (Maria’s state) & Maryland (their state) on the map
ü  Have students draw Maria & themselves on their map.
ü  Make comparisons (Ss & Maria live in the same country and continent, planet.
                                 Ss & Maria live in a different house, street, town, and state.)

 Students will complete inverted pyramids to organize places from the smallest to the biggest.
(Guided Practice-whole group activity)
ü  Picture cards of where Maria lives and where students live – 1copy
ü  Graphic organizer -Big inverted pyramid graph – 2 copy
Both inverted pyramids have five sections. For each pyramid, I made five pictures that were the same size.  I placed Velcro on the back of each picture so that they would stay on the inverted pyramid chart.  I wanted to help them understand the concept of size by seeing spatial representations of these ideas.

ü  Model how to organize ideas.
    T: ”This story tells where Maria lives. Each place we see is bigger than the place before.
ü  Through the Big Book, name each place and display a picture of each place on the pyramid, from the smallest at the bottom to the largest at the top.
ü  Show where we live from the biggest to the smallest place through Prezi.
ü  Help Ss make a pyramid showing where they live.

ü  Provide copies of an inverted pyramid.
üHave Ss make their own pyramid.

(Independent Practice–pair work)


ü Graphic organizer - Individual inverted pyramid graph

ü Provide copies of an inverted pyramid.
ü Have Ss make their own pyramid.
Inverted Pyramid


  1. This is a great blog for primary ESOL students.
    Many parents and students will be benefited from this blog site.

    Thank you

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I'm glad if people find my blog useful.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really like your idea of the inverted pyramid. Many students have misunderstandings about where they live and how it relates to the state, country and world. The inverted pyramid makes the concept of location clearer for students.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Yes, my young English learners had difficulty understanding the concept of locations. I learned Prezi presentation in one of the workshops. Wow, I love using Prezi.:):)

  4. Cool idea! I wish I can have the chance to learn Prezi. Could you let me know the infomation about the workshops?

    1. Yes, I was glad to learn about Prezi. Actually, I learned it through my conuty's professional development. Here is the address -
      If you are an educator, you can create a free login. :)

  5. This lesson is a great example of how to help young learners make text-to-self and text-to-world connections drawing them close to the text and having them see themselves or their places from the bigger worlds. Especially, I like the Prezi presentation, which should help students easily visualize the multiple layers of the place they belong to.
    Great Job! Thank you for sharing your lessons and activities!

    Secondary ESOL teacher
