My favorite books

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

I made a digital story to motivate my ESOL kindergarteners to speak and write a complete sentence
 after reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (made by Miss Kang in 2010)

Students will be able to write a complete sentence using Standard English grammar.
ü  Do a picture-walk (Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?)
(Guided Practice-whole group activity)
  Book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
  Finger puppets


ü  Read the book with students.
ü  Have Ss choose a finger puppet.
ü  Demonstrate how to answer. (I see a _____ looking at me.)
ü  Have Ss answer the question orally.
(Independent Practice–pair work)
   Cut-up sentence sheet/ cut-up sentence
   Marker, pencil, glue, scissors
ü  Distribute a cut-up sentence worksheet to each student.
ü  Give each student a sentence strip (what they answered orally.)
ü  Cut the sentence in front of the student.
ü  Have Ss put them in order and glue them.
ü  Have Ss copy their sentences.

Brown Bear Cutup Sentence Sheet

From Here to There (sequencing of locations by size)

Lesson 1

 Students will analyze story elements and make comparisons after listening to the story,

 (Guided Practice-whole group activity)
ü  Big Book “From Here to There”
ü  World Map

ü  Introduce the big book, From Here to There.
   & talk about story elements (title, author, and illustrator/characters/setting)
(Independent Practice–pair work)
ü  Worksheet- outline map of the United States of America

ü  Have students find where Maria lives on the map.
ü  Give  students an outline map of the United States of America
ü  Help students find and label Texas (Maria’s state) & Maryland (their state) on the map
ü  Have students draw Maria & themselves on their map.
ü  Make comparisons (Ss & Maria live in the same country and continent, planet.
                                 Ss & Maria live in a different house, street, town, and state.)

 Students will complete inverted pyramids to organize places from the smallest to the biggest.
(Guided Practice-whole group activity)
ü  Picture cards of where Maria lives and where students live – 1copy
ü  Graphic organizer -Big inverted pyramid graph – 2 copy
Both inverted pyramids have five sections. For each pyramid, I made five pictures that were the same size.  I placed Velcro on the back of each picture so that they would stay on the inverted pyramid chart.  I wanted to help them understand the concept of size by seeing spatial representations of these ideas.

ü  Model how to organize ideas.
    T: ”This story tells where Maria lives. Each place we see is bigger than the place before.
ü  Through the Big Book, name each place and display a picture of each place on the pyramid, from the smallest at the bottom to the largest at the top.
ü  Show where we live from the biggest to the smallest place through Prezi.
ü  Help Ss make a pyramid showing where they live.

ü  Provide copies of an inverted pyramid.
üHave Ss make their own pyramid.

(Independent Practice–pair work)


ü Graphic organizer - Individual inverted pyramid graph

ü Provide copies of an inverted pyramid.
ü Have Ss make their own pyramid.
Inverted Pyramid

Friday, October 26, 2012

Little Red Riding Hood (story structure)

Lesson 1

Content Objective:

Students will identify elements of story structure.

Language Objective:

Students will record the elements of the story structure (characters, setting, problem, and solution) in a graphic organizer.


ü        Preview characters in the book. (Little Red Riding Hood, Grandmother, Wolf, Woodcutter)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Watch a clip video, Little Red Riding Hood (2 mins)

(Guided Practice-whole group activity)


ü       Picture of characters (from
ü       Sandwich Graphic Organizer with labels of “Setting,” “Characters,” “Problem,” “Solution.” (for display)
                              Making a Sandwich (adopted from Freedom Writers Diary - Teacher's Guide p76)

ü       To make a delicious sandwich, what do we need?
Yes, we need bread, cheese, ham, and lettuce at least.
Like a sandwich, a good story should have these elements: setting, characters, problem, and solution.

ü       Have students find the elements of story structure by asking questions & write down what students say on the board.
 The setting is where the story takes place. –Where does the story take place?
     (In the forest/ in the woods/ in grandmother’s house)
       A story has characterswho were in the story?
           (Little Red Riding Hood, Grandmother, Wolf, Woodcutter)             
One of the characters usually wants to do something but has a problem.
–What was the problem in the story?
    (The wolf ate the grandmother. The wolf was trying to eat the Little Red Riding Hood.)
The events of the story tell how the problem is solved.
– Who solved the problem?  How was the problem solved?
    (The woodcutter hit the wolf over the head with his ax.)

(Independent Practice–pair work)

ü       Sandwich Graphic Organizer (for individuals)
  ( first grader-ESOL level 1)

  ( first grader -ESOL Level 3)

ü        Have each student draw pictures of four elements of story structure in an individual sandwich graphic organizer.
(For students who are capable of writing the elements of story structure in an individual sandwich graphic organizer, encourage them to do so.)


Content Objective:
 Students will use props (stick puppets) to retell the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Language Objective:
Students will use vocabulary from the story and recall the important details when retelling the story.

(Guided Practice-whole group activity)
Props (stick puppets)



ü    A teacher demonstrates how to retell the story with stick puppets.
ü     Need six people (Little Red Riding Hood, Grandmother in the bed, Wolf, Wolf in the bed, Woodcutter, Narrator)
    Have each student practice his/her part and do a round-robin retelling

(Independent Practice–pair work)
ü        Have students play their roles to retell the story.
 (If possible, a teacher records students’ story telling.)
ü        Have students watch what they said to monitor their language.


Content Objective:
Students will find morals in a story.

Language Objective:
Students will write a letter to Little Red Riding Hood to give advice.


ü        “What do you think if Little Red Riding Hood didn’t talk to a stranger, the wolf?”
       “What would her mom say to her?”
       Today we are going to write a letter to Little Red Riding Hood.

(Guided Practice-whole group activity)
A big chart paper

ü        Teach Ss how to write a letter. (e.g. Date, Dear~, Your friend, etc.)
ü        Use a big chart board to show Ss the proper letter format.

(Independent Practice–pair work)
letter shaped paper for each student (for individuals)

ü        Distribute each student a letter shaped graphic organizer.
ü        Have them write a sentence to give advice to the Little Red Riding Hood.

Letter to Red Riding Hood

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Harry the Dirty Dog (Sequencing Skill)

Content Objective
Students will demonstrate an understanding of sequence of events.
Language Objective
Students will use sequential language – first, next, then, last – and specific vocabulary (e.g. scrubbing brush, gave a bath) to retell the story.


watching online video of actor Betty White reading the story, “Harry the Dirty Dog” at

(Guided Practice-whole group activity)

ü  a set of 4 pictures & 4 sentence strips enlarged

ü      Have students place pictures in sequential order.
ü      Have students read each sentence together
(because some of the words might be hard for 1st grade ELLs to read)

(Independent Practice–pair work)
ü                  A set of 4 sentence strips & 4 pictures in a zip bag
ü                  Graphic Organizer
ü                  Popsicle sticks that say “I’m a teacher!”



ü                  Give a pair of students a graphic organizer and 4 sentence strips & four pictures.
ü                  Have them collaborate to place pictures in sequential order.
ü                  Have one student play a teacher; the other, a student.
             T: “A person who gets a teacher stick will be a teacher.”
                 “Teachers are going to take out a piece of sentence strip out of the bag & ask your partner:”What does it say?”  “If your partner has trouble reading the sentence, you will help your partner read it.”
                 “Then, you are going to ask another question:”Where does it go?”
ü                  Have them collaborate to place sentence strips in sequential order
(Teacher will monitor if students are working together.)

üCheck the order of the sentences in a whole group before students glue their sentences on the graphic organizer.

ü       Have each student retell the story looking at those four pictures on the board.
(Lead him/her to use sequential words, First, Next, Then, and Last.)
While a student is retelling, other students are listening to him/her in order to evaluate his/her story using a speaking rubric.

(Interactive Writing)